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2013年5月26日 星期日

Cobra柯博拉【 The New Society Conference Part III 新社會會議第三部分】2013-05-26

The New Society Conference Part III 

Irvine, California


Friday Evening 5.26.13
2013.05.26 星期日上午

Good morning.  Let’s do a short energy alignment.


The main website is official at  prepareforchange.net.  Each division will have their own “page”  with links to other resources.  There will not be many New Society Conferences in the future.
Prepare these pages for publication on the main website and send it to James.

官方網站是prepareforchange.net, 每個部門將會有他們自己的獨立網頁,並連結到其它資源。未來將不會有太多的” 新社會會議” 了。


準備轉變 Prepare for Change-Facebook

Each group has very interesting ideas.  Send in your ideas.  We need summaries sent in to James.


At the time of The Event, certain organizations like the public Red Cross will be available.  But we need a non-governmental organization.  All the other organizations have been infiltrated and will not be running smoothly.  We need this website as soon as possible.  We should not reinvent the wheel.  We are forming a support network.


Q: How many will need to access this website?   
A: This is the first version of this website.  The content will evolve.  As we connect with alternative media groups, we will have to upgrade as things get closer.

Q: 這個網站需要達到什麼程度?
A: 這是剛初版網站。內容會慢慢發展。我們會和一些替代媒體群聯絡,當事件越接近時,我們就必須整體更新。

Q: We are the base of this website.  Do we need to regroup?  
A: After we finish with this organizing, we will get into the local meetings.

Q: 既然我們是這個網站的基本後勤,我們需要重新編組嗎?
A: 會議結束後,我們會再詳細討論這個。

Q: Are we going to be inviting more people?  
A: In order for this not to stop, we are triggering the process and it will evolve.

Q: 我們要請更多人來幫忙嗎?
A: 是的,我們將觸發一系列過程,這將會快速發展起來。

Q: With the previous New Society conference in Rome, did it grow?
A: It is not strong enough yet.  They will join.

Q: 自上次羅馬的新社會會議後,人數有增加嗎?
A: 還不夠。但那些人會一同加入。

Rob:We will have certain levels of the website.


James will be the moderator of this website.


The next phase is a forum where people can join a public form and make comments.  The next thing is to invite the Rome people.  There were 4 Facebook groups already formed.  Can someone invite those into the website.  Rob will contact the other Rome groups and get them involved.


The only precedence is that people have an awareness about The Event.  The ET stuff is not a part of The Event, except for the disclosure of the government files.


Q: Are other groups aware of The Event?  
A: A few, but they do not have much info on The Event.

Q: 有沒有其他團體注意到"事件"了?
A: 有一些,但他們對事件的認識還太少。

Alexandra:  If anyone knows healers who want to support the transition of The Event, please send them to Alexandra.  She is compiling the contacts.

Alexandra: 如果有人認識任何治療師想要在事件期間幫忙,請寄信給我。我正在編寫資料。

When this website reaches a certain level, it needs to be translated into other languages.  What is very important is to spread the information about this, so as many people know about this as soon as possible.


The day of The Event cannot be revealed, but energy wise it is moving fast.  I have instructions to not reveal any details about The Event.  Remember it is not my time, not your time, but the right time.

事件發生的日期不會被揭露, 但是能量正在快速流動。我得到指示,不能透露任何關於事件的詳細細節。請記住,這不是我的時間表,也不是你的時間表,這僅僅是正確時間要發生的。

Q: What is our deadline?  
A: It will be good to have everything finalized by the end of June.

Q: 我們的時間期限是什麼?
A: 最好是六月底就能將所有事情完成好。

Q: What is the time frame for the transition?  
A: The key is the transition period.  After the first 2 weeks, things go back to an apparent normalcy.

Q: 過渡期大體時間是什麼時候?。
A: 關鍵階段就是過渡期。兩週後,事情將進入透明化。

Q: So our steps should be focused on the first couple of weeks of the transition? A: Yes.

Q: 所以,我們應該聚焦在過渡期的頭兩個星期,對吧?
A: 是的

After the basic website is done, then spread the information around as much as possible.
Form the website by the end of June with a work in process.  Keep spreading the word through all your contacts and know the practical steps that can be taken.

在基礎網站完成後,盡可能的多傳播訊息。建造網站的工作將會持續進行,直到6 月底前完成。請不停地傳播訊息,和他人聯絡溝通、或在實際生活中採用各種可行的行動等等。

1)Planetary Leadership Group – will get the website off the ground.
2)Healing Group – The healing portal page is already on Alexandra’s website.  She will start collecting data and getting things up and running.  We have key people that need to be responsible.  She will be putting together a video of the leaders of this group.
3)Media Group – Before the event, inspire people to participate in weekly meditations.  Afterwards: we will create video’s exposing hidden truths.  There will be immediate youtube videos.
4)New Renaissance Group – how to create a new society.  We will create a new philosophy.  We will create inspirational slogans i.e.: ‘You are free to be.’  Creativity is the new currency, the new you,  imagine it and  everybody wins.  We can create new songs, creating music in 528 Hz.  We can create a slideshow of all the possibilities of the New Society.  There will be a shift in the way of architecture, new gardens, orb photography, etc.
5)New Technology Group – can supply simple graphics now of the new free energies
6)New Financial Group – educate the bridge between the old system and the new

1. 行星領導小組 – 將使得網站順利啟動上線
2. 療癒小組 – 療癒入口網頁已經在Alexandra's 網站上。她將開始收集訊息,並開始提供訊息,使得整個開始運轉。我們有關鍵人員需要負起責任。她也會將這個小組的領導人集中起來拍個視頻,並放置於網上。
3. 媒體小組 – 在” 事件” 發生前,鼓勵大家參與每週冥想。隨後:我們將製作揭露隱藏真相的視頻,它們會第一時間放置於youtube 網站。
4. 新文藝復興小組 – 怎樣創建一個新社會。我們將創建一個新哲學。 我們將創建具有靈感的口號,比如:” 你們會自由地存在” 。創新將是新的潮流,你會煥然一新,想像吧,每個人都會是勝者。我們可以創建新的歌曲,創建528Hz 的音樂,我們可以創建一套新社會各種可能性的美妙幻燈片。在建築設計,新田園理念及攝影等方面,都會有一個改變。
5. 新科技小組 – 可以提供簡單的新自由能源的圖像
6. 新金融小組 – 建立新舊系統之間的橋樑

Now we have formalized our plan.  The only thing left is to send Cobra the mission statement by Thursday.


Q: Can an Ambassador group be created to travel around the world and distribute this information to the world?  
Rob – In the Leadership Group, we have a subgroup for a training program. Cobra – he can do a training workshop.

Q: 能否創立大使團到世界各地傳遞訊息?

Rob - 在領導小組底下已經有類似的分支並有訓練計畫。
Cobra - 他可以成立培訓班。

Q: What about online streaming to tune and calm people down?
Q: 請問線上播的溪流潺水聲怎麼使人靜心的?

Q: What about creating a flash-mob with our group where we are learning songs and dance and making it go viral? 
A: Put it as a priority.  Song, dance, healing, energy etc.  Let’s shoot for 4th of July to create a flash-mob video to go viral.

Q: 那把團隊內的音樂和舞蹈弄成快閃然後大量散播呢?

A: 這個點子好!音樂、舞蹈、療癒、能量等等。我們就在7月4號把快閃影片像病毒一樣散播各地。

An Environmental Doctor in the audience shared that she has been writing about the environment for 35 years and has been connecting the dots, especially after chemtrail conference.  In this country, we have never had a peaceful strike.  United we strike.  It is very focused up in Oregon to call for an end to chemtrails.  We are in grave trouble.  We need to step up to the plate to come together from our hearts and our compassion.  


Check out Consciousnews.com,  aircrap.org and  “The demise of America” – one of the main issues.  I am going to ask for a general strike.  We should all go home over July 4th holiday.  We should have no one in the streets.  We should spend 4 days not shopping, no stores, no movies, etc.  The 13th amendment has been gone since 1820.  We can shut the country down.  We can do it July 4th week-end.  In 1789 we were allowed to submit our grievances, and that doesn’t happen anymore.  Most importantly, we need to stop the aerosol crimes.  Everyone get tested for heavy metals.

可以查看Consciousnews.comaircrap.org 和"美國的終結" - 主要議題之一。我將會舉行全體罷工。7月4日假日那天我們所有人都不出現在街上而是通通待在家。我們所有人不逛街、不開店也不看電影達4天。1820年之後第13修正法案已經沒有了。但我們能關閉整個城市。在7月4號那個禮拜我們要來這麼做。1789年的時候我們必須壓抑許多委屈,現在不是了。我們最重要的就是要制止噴灑化學煙霧的惡行。大家都被檢測出重金屬超標。

(Cobra)  OK, the 4th of July is a target date to get more breakthroughs in awareness.  The last thing is to create an event preparedness group in Southern California.  Try to do it every Sunday at 11:30 a.m..

(Cobra) 好的,7月4日是一個以獲得更多意識突破的時間點。最後一件事,要在南加州創立事件準備小組。每周日早上11:30都這麼做。

Sunday Afternoon

Q: All of the different sites say that the Bush’s are “arrested”, but has that actually happened?  
A: Those people were detained last year in February for a few hours.  That was about it.  They were not arrested last week.

Q: 所有不同的網站都在說, 布希家族已經遭到逮捕,但那實際上已經發生了嗎?
A: 這些人在去年2 月份的時候被拘留了幾個小時,其實就是指那個事件。上週,他們並沒被逮捕。

Q: What is the history of “them”, who are controlling “them?”  
A: There are many types of Archons from various sources.

Q: “他們“的歷史是什麼? 誰在控制著”他們”?
A: 來自各地各種黑暗勢力的執政官。

Q:The China Gold, The St. Germain Trust have been around since the 18th century and is who controls them.  
A: Nobody has access to those accounts.  The Resistance Movement has the codes.  The surface groups could not get the agreements.

Q: 中國黃金,聖哲曼信託基金自從18 世紀就開始積累了,誰是帳戶擁有人。
A: 沒有人能取得帳戶。抵抗運動有帳號密碼,但地面組織沒有獲準擁有它。

Q: On Dec 21, 2012, what physically happened?  or were there many changes that happened on many levels?  
A: Not exactly.  It’s a certain time window in which things happen.  Between the solstice sun and galactic plane.  We are in the middle of that alignment.  It will be over in 2021.

Q: 2012 年12 月21 日,現實層面發生了什麼? 或者說在許多其它層面,是否有變化發生呢?
A: 不完全是,這是某個特定時間窗口,一些事情在發生。在太陽和銀河黃道面之間,我們處於對齊中,這將會在2021 年結束。

Q: What about the activity of the Galactic Central Sun and how it has been increasing in the last 20-30 years?  
A: Many particles are emanating from the sun and are triggering the acceleration, clearing the darkness, bringing the suppressed things to the surface.  Everything must come to the surface for the awareness.  The Cabal cannot stop the Resistance movement.

Q: 銀河中央太陽的活動如何? 在最近20~30多年時間裡,活動怎樣加劇的?
A: 眾多粒子從太陽中迸發出來,加速了黑暗的清理和壓抑事物釋放到地表。所有事情一定會水露石出。陰謀集團是不能阻止抵抗運動。

Q: How does mind control work?  
A: There are many layers of mind control.  
1) Before birth you go through an initiation process on the etheric, 
2) through the indoctrination of your parents, 
3) through the programming of your schooling,
4) through your work, 
5) through the media, 
6) other direct means of mind control, and there’s still more.

Q: 意識控制是如何運作的?
A: 有許多層面的意識控制。
1) 出生前,你在以太層遭受初期控制;
2) 出生後,透過父母灌輸來控制;
3) 在學校裡,教導被編程的教育內容; 
4) 透過工作; 
5) 透過媒體; 
6) 其它直接的意識控制;還有很多很多….

Q: How does Angelina play into all of this?  
A: It is a trauma based mind control.

Q: 安吉莉娜是怎樣進行控制的?
A: 這是一種創傷性的意識控制。

Q: When The Event happens, will you inform us?  
A: No, the Resistance Movement will make contact ONLY if the group is seriously gathering every week and if they can be relied upon.  If you form a group in Thailand and they meet regularly, you may get a phone call.

Q: 事件發生的時候你會通知我們嗎?
A: 不會。抵抗運動只會聯絡那些每週認真籌畫事件、可靠的團隊。如果你在泰國組建事件小組且定期聚會的話,你有可能會被聯絡。

Q: When The Event happens, what about countries such as China taking over?  Will we still be seeing ourselves separately?  Will there be powerful forces trying to take over?  
A: There is a difference between a country and a nation.  Countries are artificial control mechanisms.  A nation is a natural outgrowth of the people.  Borders will be eliminated.  There will be no more need for passports.  There will be no more Visas.  TSA will be disbanded.

Q: 事件發生的時候,諸如中國等國家,會接管世界嗎?我們會怎麼樣?會有強權團體接管嗎?
A: 國家和民族的意義是不一樣的。國家是人工的產物,它是被控制的機關。但民族是人類自然發展而成的。將來國界會被廢除。以後不再需要護照、Visas。TSA也會被解散。

The fight between light and dark and that this is the last planet – earth, to go through with this.  That is the most exciting thing I have ever heard.  There is no external threat to us now.


Q: What about the beings that got cleared from the bases?  What happened to these beings when the battles removed them from the bases?  
A:It is the same process always.  Every being has a choice to go to The Light.  Then it receives counseling.  If it refuses, it is taken to central sun.  (such as the bases where reptilians were killed). 

Q: 那些從基地被清除出去的存有怎麼樣了?
A: 一樣的......每個人都有選擇投入光獲得治療或是拒絕光而送入中央太陽。(譬如死於基地裡戰爭的爬蟲人)

After it dies, it is taken from the astral plane to the mothership and then given another chance for clearing.  The Galactic Federation has organic, based in light, motherships.


Q: What would be the long term prospect for doing away with international patents?  
A:There will be no more need for patenting anything.  It will become the legacy of humanity.  The basic premise for patents was greed.  Investors will be compensated abundantly.

Q: 對於去除國際上的專利,長期願景是怎樣的呢?
A: 今後將不需要專利這樣的東西,它會成為舊人類的遺產。針對專利的基本假設前提都是貪婪的標誌。投資者會盡可能的被賠償。

Q: If everyone doesn’t have abundance don’t you think they won’t want to work?  
A: It will be gradual.  We will be encouraged to work 3-4 hrs.  Doing nothing is boring.

Q: 如果所有人都還沒完全富足的話,你認為他們需要去工作嗎?
A: 這是逐漸的過程,人們被鼓勵一天工作3-4 個小時,因為什麼都不做也很無聊。

Q: Why is there a reason that earth is the last planet?  
A: Earth is a special planet.  It was the paradise in Lemuria 50K years ago.  It has a very biodiverse environment.  The renegades chose Earth amongst all of the available planets – that is why we all came here to liberate this planet.

Q: 為什麼說地球是最後解放的行星呢?
A: 地球很特別;五萬年前,地球還是一個叫列穆里亞的天堂。它有非常好的生物多樣性環境。叛變的存有在所有可利用的星球中選了地球,這就是為什麼我們來這裡解放地球。

Q: What about the ascension process work and our light bodies?  
A: Yes, the true ascension process will start at The Event.  There will be many phases.  The Event, first contact, and frequencies will rise rapidly.  One part or group will ascend at a time.  (Mystery Schools will no longer be a mystery).  There will be schools of truth to re-establish the growth of spirit.  At a certain point, Ascended Masters will come and help teach.

Q: 關於揚升工作和我們的光體是怎樣的呢?
A: 是的,真正的揚升過程將在事件發生時就正式開始,會分為許多階段。事件之後,會有第一次接觸,頻率將會加快提升。部分人或團體將會逐一揚升。(神秘學校將不再神秘了)。將會有真相學校來重建心靈成長。在這點上,揚升大師將會到來並幫助教導大家。

Q: At the last conference, you mentioned that the channelers on earth cannot be relied upon fro accurate information?  
A: Most of the channels don’t go through the process of a telepathic channel, they get an energetic channel.  The Archons project thought forms onto the energetic channels.  Most channelers are not reliable.  Sheldon Nidle had a physical meeting with beings and he’s quite reliable.

Q: 在最後一次會議中,你提到地球通靈者所提供的訊息並不準確,不能被依靠嗎?
A: 大多數通靈者沒有透過心靈感應的過程,他們使用能量管道。執政官將會將思想形式投射到能量管道。大多數通靈管道是不可靠的。Sheldan Nidle 會與外星存有一起參加實體的會議,所以他的部分訊息是可靠的。

Q: Who is the council?  
A: There are many of them, not just not one.  Millions and billions of reptilians are being taken care.

Q: 誰是理事成員?
A: 很多,不止一個。幾十億的爬蟲人都在被處理。

Q: How do we take care of invisibles?  
A: Free the mind of all programs.  Start using your mind in creative ways.

Q: 我們怎樣察覺“ 無形體” 的存在?
A: 釋放所有程序設計心智,用創造性的方式來使用你的意識。

Q: Is the avian flu legit?  
A: Yes, they are bioengineered to program the masses by The Cabal.  Chemtrails were allowed to leave the factory intact, but they are mitigated to a great extent.  The F.E.M.A. camps will not be happening.  90% of chemtrails are mitigated.

Q: 禽流感是合法的嗎?
A: 是的,這些都是陰謀集團為了編程民眾的生物工程計畫。 化學凝結尾被允許外流出工廠,但這部分已經大幅緩解。F.E.M.A.聯邦應急管理署集中營不會發生。 90%的化學凝結尾情況得到控制。

Q: Do we need ammunition.  
A: It is a waste of money.  They won’t use it.

Q: 我們需要軍火嗎?
A: 這是浪費金錢。不需要。

Q: Sheldon Nidle talks about light chambers?  
A: Ascended masters have light chambers to help assist us.  The light chambers are the most pleasant experience possible.

Q: Sheldan Nidle討論過光療癒室嗎?
A: 揚升大師都有光療癒室來幫助我們,在光療癒室可能會是一個非常美妙愉悅的經歷。

Q: Will you still be having conferences?  
A: We will see.

Q: 你還會召開會議嗎?
A: 再看看。

Q: What about the grids around the earth?  Such as the Atlanteans trying to manipulate the grids?  
A: No this is not true from the stand point that the energy grid is a vital part of the planet.  The dark forces have taken over the grid and control the grid.  We however, are taking the control back.  There are many grids though.

Q: 關於地球的網格的情況如何?比如亞特蘭蒂斯人曾試圖操控網格嗎?
A: 不是,從地球上的重要時間點來看,能量網格是行星重要部分的事實不是真的。 黑暗勢力已經接管網格,並控制著。然而,我們正奪回這些網格,已經有很多網格被我們掌握了。

Rob – when the event happens, all etheric implants will be null and void.  Many people will have a difficult time, or become very sensitive.  The level of changes will be different.


There is a tachyon membrane that maintains the illusion.  When you look at the sky you see it as it was millions of years ago.  You will be able to look at the universe and you will be pleasantly surprised.  Scientists have been killed for knowing this info.


Q: Are there only 10 strands of DNA operational?  
A: On the physical level we have 2 strands – that have been manipulated by genetic manipulation.  We have the 12 strands on the etheric plane.  After The Event, things will go fast and the DNA will activate.

Q : 只有10 股DNA 是可以被操作的嗎?
A: 在我們實體身體裡,只有2 股DNA ,藉由操縱基因改造來操控。在以太層面,我們有12 股DNA 。事件後,事情會變化很快,這些DNA 將會被啟動。

Q: Why are Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels not allowed to be in direct contact with us?  What is stopping them.  
A: They are allowed to, but they cannot always do that.  When all the dark forces are removed, there will be billions of angles all the time.  It is good to invoke them and connect with the angels regularly.

Q: 為什麼靈性大師和守護天使不被允許和我們直接接觸呢?什麼東西在阻止他們呢?
A: 他們是被允許的,但他們不能一直那樣做。當所有黑暗勢力被移除後,隨時將會有幾十億的天使在這兒,能祈請他們是很好地,並經常地與他們進行聯結。

Q: Are there light chambers we can be in?  
A: No, not at the moment.

Q: 有我們現在可以進去的光療癒室嗎?
A: 沒有,現在不是時候。

Q: You are working with The Resistance, so why can’t we?  
A: It’s dangerous.  You will be the center of attention on the planet.  The Cabal know and the archons know all about you.  After The Event, people can experience this.

Q: 你和抵抗運動憶起工作,為何我們不能?
A: 這很危險。因為你會成為星球上的焦點。陰謀集團和執政官會知道你的一切。事件後,人們會知道。

Q: Have Akashic Records been manipulated or compromised?  
A: No, it is not possible.

Q: 阿卡西記錄已經被操控和受到損害了嗎?
A: 沒有,這是不可能的。

Q: If you are saying that we see the skies as they were millions of years ago, then are astral charts/astrology a program?  
A: No, they are discovering the wave functioning of the planet.  The archons have used the charts for their rituals.

Q: 如果你說,我們所看到的天空是數百萬年前的樣子,那出生圖/占星術是編程嗎?
A: 不是,他們只是發現這個星球的運作方式。執政官使利用這些圖來執行儀式。

Q: You have mentioned that all of the bases underground have been cleared.  There is a lot written about Area 51 being moved and compiled underground in another mountain?  What was happening about 10 years is that they moved their stuff to Utah and Colorado. If it is true that all the negative beings have been cleared, what are we facing right now?  Like the negative ETs for example?  A: There are no negative ETs except for politicians and mostly reptilians. Draconians are on the etheric plane.

Q: 你曾經說所有地下基地已經被清理。有很多文章報導51區被移到其他地底或是山裡。那10年間他們轉移到猶他州和科羅拉多州的時候發生什麼事?如果負面存有已經完全被清除是真的話,現在我們所面對的是什麼呢?比如其它負面外星人?
A: 除了政治家和大多數爬蟲人外,沒有負面外星人。龍人則在以太層。

Q: Were the light chambers in Agartha? 
A: No.

Q: 光療癒室在阿加森嗎?
A: 不在。

Q: Are there any direct portals to the 5th dimension?  
A: No.

Q: 目前有沒有直接到第五維的星門?
A: 沒有。

Q: We will be gaining abilities, like psychic abilities, so what about flying?  
A: It will happen for people very close to their ascension.

Q: 我們將獲得特殊能力,像超自然的能力,那麼能飛嗎?
A: 對於非常接近揚升的人來說,可能發生。

Fund raiser for Sayed Adli Bdawy  through western union – pyramid street, giza, egypt – western union.

透過西方聯盟募款給Sayed Adli Bdawy - 金字塔街,吉薩,埃及 - 西方聯盟。

An apology from Ron.

Ron 表示歉意。

Isis:  Secrets of goddess energy and into the manifestation.

Isis: 女神能量的秘密的闡述說明

Welcome back.

We will talk about your power within you.  Goddess energy is a spiral energy.  Goddess is a very quick energy.  When you feel the guidance, feel the step.  Ask and call for the next step.  It is fast energy and keeps you in the present.


I was dancing as a teenager by myself, when I was alone.  I use to put music on loudly, and then I realized “something” entered my body, something moved my hands.  I always feel more powerful and clear and more powerful after I dance.  I would have spiritual dreams.  We were more of a sports oriented family.  With the dance, I become more feminine.  I slowly felt like I had many arms and many legs, and then I saw pictures from India with the many arms – but that’s happening to me when I do the goddess dance.  The goddess wakes me up at night, she dances again, and another energy comes.  Isis was teaching aerobics and that felt kind of masculine.  When Goddess enters, joy comes into her life, certain happiness, certain energies that were hidden come forth.  There is a searching.  When goddess energy happens, I feel fulfilled.  Isis started Goddess workshops in the country.  Life became like a ritual.  The Goddess takes you to “I would love to” instead of “I have to do this and this and this.”  The most important method that you will do is what you love to do.  I started to do things when I love to do that. There is a difference between “have to” and “I will because I love you.”

當我十來歲感到孤獨的時候,我就自個跳舞。然後我意識到某種“東西“進入我身體,在移動我的手。慢慢地,我感覺我有許多手臂和腳,我能透過手臂來看到來自印度的畫面,那發生在我跳女神舞蹈的時候。女神在晚上會叫醒我,她會再跳,然後另一股能量到來。當女神進來的時候,快樂也進入她的生活,一定的快樂,一定能量,曾經被隱藏著,但是被帶出來了。有一個搜索,當女神能量發生的時候,我感覺到個人誌向得到實現。Isis 在這個國家開設了女神坊。生活就像儀式。女神會帶你到”我願意做” , 而不是” 我必須做這,必須做這,必須做這” 。你所做的最重要的方法就是你熱愛做它。當我熱愛的時候,我才去做。在“必須”和“因為我愛你而去”之間有巨大的不同。

We have the right to be here.
We have the right to act and procreate.
We have the right to have peace and cooperation.
We have the right to love.
We have the right to speak our truth and express ourselves as who we really are.
We have the right to see the truth.
We have the right to be conscious and think with our own head.


We all have different point of views.  In the New Society there will be no arguing of who is right or wrong.  There will be an awareness that every point of view matters to get the whole perspective.  Everyone in the group has a special task.  In the New Society, no one will tell you what to do.  You will know what to do.  Get paper and write down 20 things physically, emotionally, and 20 things socially that you are good at.  This is the New Society.  There will be unemployment.  Surrendering to the Goddess and magic will happen every day.

我們有不同的觀點。在新社會,將不會有誰對誰錯的爭論。將會意識到,每種觀點意味著獲得整個視角。團隊中每個人都有特別的任務。在新社會,沒人會告訴你做什麼。你們將會知道做什麼。拿出紙,寫下20 件事物,包括現實層面,情緒層面,社會層面的,都是你擅長的。這就是新社會,將不會有失業,臣服於女神,神蹟將會每天都在發生。

Magnetic Manifestation – I was in a way surrendering to the guidance.  Always guidance is sent to me, I am provided for.  I do not need to worry.  One day when I was dancing, the white buffalo  woman came and talked to me.  Then on the planet was born a white buffalo.  When I was dancing and I was dressing and looking more Indian.  I met the white buffalo calk woman and the goddess woke me up that night and later we smoked the peace pipe.  In Costa Rica I did some healings with the yellow race.  I felt drawn or inspired strongly to go.

顯化 - 我被許多指導靈環繞。我總是被指引著,所以我不感到擔心。有一天,當我在跳舞的時候,一位白水牛女人來到我面前和我說話。然後,這個星球誕生了一個白色的水牛。當我正在跳舞、著衣和尋找印度人的時候。我會見了白水牛女人;那晚女神叫醒了我,我們一起做和平菸斗。在哥斯達黎加,我療癒一些黃種人。我覺得不舒服非常想離開。

I started working with Isis, then Ashtar, and finally Cobra.

我開始和Isis 工作,後來是Ashtar , 最後是Cobra.

June 21, 2004 started return of Goddess for 8 years up to December 21, 2012.

2004 年6 月21 日開始進行女神回歸冥想,到2012 年12 月21 日有8 年啦。

There are new frequencies to experience.  There are new chakra colors, and they are changing.


Indigo children, crystal children, rainbow children, diamond children many have all 12 strands of DNA and will help raise the consciousness to the ascension frequency.

靛藍小孩,水晶小孩,彩虹小孩,還有鑽石小孩,許多人有12 股DNA ,將協助提升意識到揚升頻率。

Victory to The Light! YEAH!
